
Assistance for Occupational and Physiotherapists

At Silver Cross, we are eager to work with Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals.  We know the importance of a collaborative approach and we are committed to provide exceptional follow up.

Silver Cross staff are always ready to receive your questions about product solutions for your clients. We meet with manufacturers regularly to stay current with the latest product developments and we embark on training sessions throughout the year to stay current. We can also assist your clients with the funding process where applicable.

In-Service Sessions for Healthcare Professionals

We regularly host in-service sessions at our stores or we can come to your facility. Topics range from basic product overviews to specific issues such as seating and positioning or proper ceiling lift usage and slings. We also host sessions with industry experts from time to time.

Time is valuable, and at Silver Cross stores, we get that. We will aim to get you what you need, when you need it without complexity or delays –  as much as possible.

We are proudly a member of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists.